
 This Miraculous Secret will Burn Belly Fat, Satiate your Hunger and help you reach your Fitness Goals Fast and Safe. 


A miraculous Tonic that will burn belly fat, satiate your hunger and help you reach your fitness goals.

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How Barbara Melt 167 Lbs Under 1 Year WITHOUT Diet or Exercise!

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 The Most Inspiring Weight Loss Success Story 


People want to lose weight for a whole slew of different reasons. Some want to feel better about the way they look and give their self-esteem a boost, while others aim to stop using food as a coping mechanism for emotional struggles.

No matter what reasons you have for wanting to shed some pounds or where you are in your journey, this inspiring weight loss success story proves that it's never too late to turn things around and get a new lease on life.

The following person you'll read more about here has battled—and overcome—difficult challenges, such as depression, anxiety, and feelings of self-worthlessness to achieve their weight loss goals.

And you know what that means? You can do it, too!

 I was 38 years of age and weighed almost 300 pounds... 291 to be exact!

Hi, my name is Barbara, I was 38 years old and weighing 291Ibs when I went on vacation with my husband Ken and my son Michael…

I had been trying to lose weight for years but none of my attempts were successful... 

And each time I fell off the wagon, the weight came back, plus a little more...

And with so many disappointments, I turned to comfort food... 

And let me go…

Until I got to the point where I was 291 pounds and I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror... 

But while I was on vacation, I stumbled upon a Costa Rican tea and started drinking it daily…


And in under 1 year, I lost 167Ibs without diet or exercise!

I started every day with the morning tea feeling how the powerful ingredients were flowing through my body, igniting my metabolism and energy levels, and melting fat like a hot knife cutting through butter.

My sugar cravings completely disappeared, and so did my bloating and gassiness.

Every evening, the delicious evening tea helped me relax and sleep much better, and I was once again waking up completely refreshed and filled with energy!

Every morning, the scale showed a smaller weight. After 30 days of tea, I dropped 29 pounds!

Every week that passed made my joints feel smoother and more supple, my skin became radiant and my hair regained its volume.

I started touching my belly, arms, and legs, and instead of soft fat, I slowly started feeling toned muscle… even though I was not exercising!

My favorite part of this journey was seeing my stomach and my huge thighs shrink day by day.

All the fat that I used to grab in absolute disgust, simply disappeared!

And instead of being covered in cellulite, my thighs became smooth and sexy…

Soon I started receiving compliments…

First from my family and my colleagues from work, who all wanted to know my fat loss secret.

But the most beautiful complements came from Ken, my loving husband, who completely changed from hardly noticing me to not being able to keep his hands off me, enjoying my new body every single day.

In hindsight, it almost feels like this saved my marriage and certainly made it stronger than ever, so it made it all worthwhile!

Another thing that happened was that Ken also embraced the Costa Rican tea tradition, and he lost 17 pounds, mostly off his belly.

When we returned to the beautiful Silver Lake, a year later, we were a completely new couple, both feeling younger and full of enthusiasm.

In the first month of drinking the Tea, I dropped 29 pounds…

Every week that passed, made my joints feel smoother and more supple, my skin became radiant and my hair regained its volume.

My energy soared when I started looking and feeling 10 years younger…

I started touching my belly, arms, and legs, and instead of soft fat, I slowly started feeling toned muscle… even though I was not exercising! 

My stomach and thighs were shrinking day by day.

All the fat that I used to grab in absolute disgust, simply seemed to disappear!

And instead of being covered in cellulite, my thighs became smooth and sexy…

I lost 167 pounds with the help of the Costa Rican Tradition Tea!

Instead of being ashamed to even go out in public, people started to notice me for how good I looked!

And sometimes, people I haven’t seen for years don’t even recognize me!

The same thing can happen to you too!

Right now, thousands of people from the US are losing up to 29Ibs of fat in just 30 days simply by drinking this delicious Costa Rican tea daily.

So if you are serious to get similar results, you must try it!

If you are still here, I am afraid our time together is coming to an end…

 Now You Have Three Options That Lead   to VERY Different Outcomes! 

Option #1 is to not use the information I gave you on this page and to continue to struggle with your weight FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, worrying daily about your health and keep looking for solutions...

Option #2 is to use the information you learned on this page and to try to apply it by yourself.

But I am afraid it will take weeks to find a supplier that can source all the ingredients for you…

Then, you’ll need to find a facility where you can mix the ingredients, then pack them in small sachets so you can start drinking your new slimming tea…

But it will cost you at least $402 for 1 month supply and you’ll have to buy at least 1 pound of the morning mix and 1 pound of the evening mix, which will make your total investment over $2800!

But I want to be honest with you…

That will take a lot of work and effort! And time! I know this as I helped Dr. Dean source our ingredients!

Most likely you’ll quit before you can even find all the ingredients!

And in a few months from now, you’ll be still struggling with your weight…

And who knows, maybe you will gain even more weight because of all this stress!

Of course, I don’t want this for you!

Option #3 is to take the best and easiest path to success!

Take advantage of all the hard work Dr. Dean and I have already done...

Remember that over 18,761 people have already reached their ideal weight by drinking the All Day Slimming Tea daily!

And all you have to do to be one of them is drink a cup of the morning tea after you wake up, and a cup of the evening tea after dinner, and your body will burn fat 24 hours a day while preventing new fat from being produced!

It is impossible for you to fail!

It worked for me and over 18,761 people like me and you, so it will surely work for you too especially with the FREE Bonuses you'll get.

This long-forgotten tradition from the Nicoya peninsula of Costa Rica will:

 ⇒ Make your body burn fat 24 hours a day

 ⇒ Decrease hunger and cravings

 ⇒ Skyrocket your energy levels

 ⇒ Accelerate your metabolism so you can lose weight like never before

 ⇒ Bring back your youthfulness and make you look 10 years younger!

According to their research which was published on, by practicing this tradition, individuals were able to regenerate the mitochondria from their cells, and thus, increase their energy levels and metabolism with up to 53%.

Mitochondria are small organisms within your cells that transform all the food you eat into energy.

It's a fact that kids and teenagers have a high number of mitochondria in their cells, and that’s why they have high energy levels that last all day long.

But, as you age, especially once you hit 45, the number of mitochondria in your cells decreases, plus...

As you age, your mitochondria is able to produce less and less energy, and so, your metabolism gets slower and your energy levels decrease...

But the research proved that this tradition from Costa Rica drastically increases mitochondrial activity, even aiding the production of new mitochondria in the cells.

Another surprising result which the researchers identified was that because of this age-old tradition, cells were able to eliminate residues and detoxify themselves, which increased their lifespan with up to 41%.

In other words...

I lost a total of 167 pounds and I can wear clothes I would have been petrified to look at before this Costa Rican tradition came into my life…

Even my face looks more beautiful and radiating and I feel a renewed vigor and love for life!

I look and feel at least 10 years younger!

I am not risking diabetes anymore, and my blood pressure and cholesterol levels were similar to the ones of much younger women.

I can finally experience my life the way I should have been enjoying for so many years...

And all I did was drinking the tea, my twice a day ritual for the morning and the evening.

I feel beautiful, sexy and an example for all my friends and colleagues…

"Give yourself a fair fight and take that blindfold off,"
 "It will propel you into places you never thought you could be." 

"At the end of the day when everything is all said and done, it's not about the weight you lose, it's about the life you gain."

 "I would say that weight loss is one of the very few areas where it's OK to be selfish. It is about you. Whatever it costs, it's worth the personal investment in you. This is the sacrifice that a mom or daddy has to make—not only for themselves but for the family." 

If You Practice This Costa Rican Tradition, You Can Increase Your Metabolism and Energy Level with up to 53% and Increase Your Lifespan With 41%!

If You Practice This Costa Rican Tradition, You Can Increase Your Metabolism and Energy Level with up to 53% and Increase Your Lifespan With 41%!

You'll be able to:

⇒ You'll never again have to count calories or go through restrictive diet plans that make you
     feel horrible and rarely work anyway!

⇒ You'll never again have to do cardio or other crazy workout routines!

Now I know this may sound farfetched to you, and too simple to work so well, but it's what has already worked for me and for thousands of Americans who lost over 30 pounds of fat after practicing this Costa Rican tradition for only a few months.

But don’t take my word for it. I’ll show you verifiable facts.

But before that, imagine waking up tomorrow morning with as much energy as you had in your twenties, even if you’re 60 or 70 now!

You’ll look and feel healthier than you have in decades and at least 10 years younger!

Think about how you would feel, as day by day, your stubborn belly dissolves.

And you’ll discover that the symptoms of major health issues like hyperthyroidism, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, chronic joint pain, and more...

Will fade so rapidly, it will make you feel that you're experiencing a miracle!

 ⇒ Reach your ideal weight and keep it for the rest of your life without the usual struggle!

 ⇒ Fit in a pair of skinny jeans and have all your clothes fit exactly how you want them to!

 ⇒ Ramp up your sex drive!

 ⇒ Have consistent high energy all day long so you can be more productive at work,
     and be able
      to play with your kids or grandkids without ever feeling tired!

 ⇒ Be admired by all your friends and family about how sexy and attractive you are!

 ⇒Look and feel at least 10 years younger!

 ⇒ Be proud of yourself and live life to the fullest!

More than that:

 All You Have To Do Is To Practice This Costa 
 Rican Tradition On A Daily Basis! 

This Costa Rican Tradition Will Detoxify Every Cell In Your Body To Unlock Energy Reserves That Make You Feel Young Again and Allow You To Lose Weight Faster Than Anything Else You've Tried So Far!

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